
Dear Dr. Yee Hello. First I’m doing GREAT. I’m still amazed at the whole process I went through with the treatment. So thank you. I will writing a letter very soon. You  may feel free to post it. I have no cravings whatsoever.   BTW. You know I was traveling to a job interview right after finishing rapid detox in Vegas. The VIT B shots you provided worked great. And I got the job!   So again thank you.

- Steve

Hey!!! I feel I'm getting my life back  .......actually a new life better than I've ever imagined!!!! Your staff was wonderful absolute top notch service!!!!  Where do I begin Dr Yee....thank u for saving my life. Thank u for being so understanding and ALWAYS Answering any and every text and phone call no matter what time it was. Thank you for explaining in detail the procedure. Thank you for taking care of me like I was your family or friend and not just patient. Thank you for being there for my husband while I was under. And thank you for giving me this new fresh start on Life that is more beautiful than I ever imagined. A million thank yous!!! !!!

- Courtney

Hi Dr. Yee this is Al I just wanted to thank you for all the advice and support to help me off of oxycodone. Also, I wanted to mention your nurse Eddie did a fantastic job in the post rapid detox recovery process with my friend Mike. He made the experience as best as possible very professional and supportive.

- Al

I have my new life thanks to Dr. Yee and his staff. They were extremely professional and gave me my life back. I met with Dr. Yee three weeks before the procedure and he was very thorough, going through my history and answered all the questions I had. Even after my consult, he was available 24/7 for my questions and concerns. It has been over four months now and he is still available if I have any questions. His knowledge on the subject matter really made me choose him and his staff.

If anyone feels like there is no way out, I extremely suggest you call him. Unlike all the other treatment programs, he actually answers the phone himself so you are not talking to a secretary, instead a licensed doctor with the correct knowledge to answer the questions.

Thanks again, Dr. Yee.

- M.Z.

Dr. Yee: Just letting you know I'm starting to feel good. My head is clearing up and I'm sleeping good with no pills at all. Very cool. Thank you for everything, you rock. I am loving life again.

- Anonymous

Hey Dr Yee, this is truly a miracle. I feel zero withdrawal. I'm so happy. But the anesthesia did a real number on me. Still very weak. I'm free of this poison and I can't believe I'm feeling zero withdrawal. Thank you so much. I know hundreds of physicians and you are the most caring I've met.

- Anonymous

The staff in this program go above and beyond their duties, Dr‘s and Nurses alike. I would recommend this program above all others because it works and the continuous service after the procedure. They genuinely care that you return to the path of NORMAL life. 

- B.L.

I just wanted to tell you how we valued your staff members, Ben & Cathy.  They were very professional, but so compassionate, helpful & supportive of our daughter during their time with us after the detox procedure. They are standouts in the health care profession and give Rapid Detox a wonderful human touch!

You are a wonderful teacher & very kind, compassionate & supportive during the whole procedure.  We could tell that you have a big heart for helping people.

- Linda

Hello Dr. Yee. I’m sending this e-mail to you to express my gratitude to you and Eddy. If not for you, I would not be standing at my computer typing this e-mail. I thought my life was over... I could not stop using drugs no matter how much I tried, but with the help of your rapid detox program... It made it possible for me to stop using for a day at a time. The rapid detox made it possible for me to get through the roughest part (the physical pain.... withdrawal...) so I could concentrate on me... which was the problem...

I truly believe you saved my life. You showed true compassion for what I was going through, you listened and gave me hope when I thought there was no hope left. You truly cared for me and my feelings... I like to call it bedside manner, you can’t fake that kind of compassion, and for that I am and always will be truly grateful to you, Dr. Yee. I will never forget you, I think of you quite often… because today I am free. Thank you from the bottom of my heart... Stay well my friend...

- Patrick

Hello Doc Yee- I'm doing very well. Been doing a lot of walking and feeling great. This was well worth it and fortunately you will never see me again, at least in that capacity. I will definitely let others know that have problem but I think the Rush Limbaugh show or Sean Hannity show is where you reach your most potential patients. Thanks again, going home.

- Anonymous

On a personal note to you, you are one of the best doctors I have ever seen. I can tell you really just want to help people. Thank You!

- Anonymous